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limited edition 50 stamped and signed by Ygreck
print, limited edition 50
size: 60×42 cm
stamped and signed by Ygreck

Print, Limited edition 50 Stamps and signed by Ygreck
Print, Limited edition 50
size: 42×60 cm
Stamped and signed by Ygreck
  • Stamps sold separately, limited supply: € 15,- each, excl sending cost.
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Stamps, Valid in the Netherlands only
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  • My literary works / books: These books are not sold by me, please refer to the editor or your bookshop:

  • 五彩梯上天堂
  • 作者:徐世怡
  • 出版社:皇冠文化出版有限公司
  • 出版日期:1996-09-10
  • 定價:160元

本書記錄兩個邊緣國家的城市故事;一個在亞洲的角落,叫做柬埔寨;一個在東歐戰火灰燼中,叫克羅埃西亞。從金邊廟堂前的五彩旗幡,樹下的糖果舖子,到克羅埃西亞一罐可口可樂比上等紅酒還貴的戰期經濟現象:”…世怡以從容不迫的筆調,深刻記錄了她走過的每一寸土地…看著苦難的國家,想著繁華的台灣,她的文字攜來有力的自覺。” (國立政治大學台灣文學研究所所長陳芳明)

A Colourful Ladder to Heaven
This book depicts two marginal urban stories. One, in Asia, Cambodia. The other is in Eastern Europe: Croatia, after the war period. From the colorful flags in front of the temple, to the candy stall under the tree, the wars economical phenomena: “a bottle of good red wine is less expensive than a can of Coca Cola”, Ygreck recorded every inch of the land she visited with a gentle writing speed…… gazing at the countries struggling with war and poverty, thinking of the prosperous Taiwan, her words carries a powerful self-awareness. (Professor Chen Fangming, Graduate Institute of Taiwanese Literature, National Chengchi University,)



The Desire to Honor My Gods: Angkor Wat
The political critic Nanfang Shuo: ”Ygreck Shyu has made a very meaningful semiotic reading of Ankor Wat, a once prosperous ancient city. Grasping the core concepts of “sacred palace”, “the dancing of lust” and “ sacrificial altar”
she rediscover the essence of the city soul that tangles in the history.

Cloud Gate Dance Theatre’s Lin, Hwai-Min, who has traveled Cambodia and Ankor Wat comments : “Ygreck Shyu’s city-planning background has given her a pair of sharp eyes. Her personal observation and the historical background about Cambodia were woven into an intriguing literature. It is purely breath-taking.
“My Lord, Let me Offer My Dancing desire to You: ANGOR WAT” is the most enjoyable, most appealing travel literature I have read in recent years.

  • 流浪者的廚房
  • 作者:徐世怡
  • 出版社:大塊文化出版股份有限公司
  • 出版日期:1998-11-01
  • 定價:180元
  • 徐世怡,一名學習城市規劃出身的女子,在此之前出版過兩本書,也都是行走天涯的記錄。在這本書裡,徐世怡以奇崛卻溫柔的思惟方式,時常讓人覺得陌生的日常語言,刻畫在世紀末國界邊 …

在這本書裡, 徐世怡以奇崛卻溫柔的思維方式觀察世界。從比利時魯汶留學生的大同電鍋,到柬埔寨NGO工作者的椰風大房子,飄到衣索比亞三個月的國際廚房,
她冷冷地丟出幾 寫道:”人類自己也知道,<飢餓>是無止盡的宿命。但世上跟本沒有一勞永逸的方法躲得掉餓鬼的糾纏。只因為餓鬼就是我們,我們的身體就是餓鬼居住的地方。”

Nomad’s Cooking Book
Ygreck has a strange, unique way of observing the world. From the Da-Ton electricity Cooker in a Taiwanese students kitchen in Leuven Belgium, to a spacious house in Cambodia, flying to the three-month international NGO kitchen in Ethiopia , she throws some icy cold words: ”Human being themselves also know, hunger is a no-ending fate. However, in this planet there is no eternal way to escape the harassment of the hungry ghost. Because the hungry ghost is us, and our body is the habitat where ghosts live.”

  • 找不到家的街角
  • 作者:徐世怡
  • 出版社:聯合文學出版社股份有限公司
  • 出版日期:1999-02-09
  • 定價:200元
  • 有圖有字的書 每個暫時的家都是自我挑戰,向環境搏鬥的基地,找不到家的徬徨害怕,也是找不到自己的苦悶…


A street corner that cannot find its home

The stories wander from the muscular stone womens sculptures in Prague, via the straight wooden chair in the Belgian convent, the opera theater in Tuscany Italy, grandfathers grocery in Fonglin, Hwalien, to the beautiful high school girls suicide park in Meilung creek…..
Every fleshy landscape reveals touching stories that refuse to be suppressed.

  • Secondary literature/ about my writing


編者: 應鳳凰
章節撰者: 黎俊宏

Unique Wanderers: Female writers’ Essays in the 1990s, Taiwan
Editor: Fenghuang Phoenix Ying

Essay title:
”Beyond eating and drinking”- the hidden subjects in Ygreck Shyu’s
”Nomad cooking book”:
Essay writer: Li, Junghong





Good at traveling writing, Ygreck Shyu (1962-) is one of the female writers who can not be missed when discussing contemporary Taiwanese literature. Among her four books, originating from her studying abroad and traveling experience , the 3rd book “Nomad’s cooking book” picked up a theme rather different from traveling: eating and drinking.

Researchers in the traveling literature field emphasize ,almost unanimously, that what makes Ygreck Shyu different from the other contemporary writers is the “humanistic care and concern for humanity “.

Ygreck Shyu writes the stories of human being, and her starting line is based on eating and drinking. However, in an other way, it seems she is cooking a series of dishes:” The dramas tangle, the desires overlap, the love and hatred are locked to each other. Who is right, who is wrong? God should stand in which side? Is it nice food or pungent poison? In fact, the difference is in a thin line. As long as your fate is still being grinded, who wants to be eaten by the hungry-monster, living inside your body?”

”Beyond eating and drinking”- the hidden subjects in Ygreck Shyu’s”Normad cooking book”:
Li, Junghong. Pages: p.298-315 (2007.09)

14 03 09 Hit the wall third version