My 2024 Nijmegen Zevenheuvelenloop
“奈梅亨七峰路跑” 是荷蘭有名的楓紅賽道的超大比賽. 兩萬人是多少人呢? 我爸媽來自美麗的花蓮鳳林鎮. 兩萬人就差不多是把兩個鳳林鎮人口集合起來.這比賽是十五公里. 最後的五公里, 真得好累了!
以前曾看過一個馬拉松跑者的經驗談: 把每一公里, “獻給某個人”, 或許就可以讓心思不要一直停留在疲累!看到已進入十公里, 我心中第一個浮現的就是: 這第十一公里要獻給去世的爸爸. 第十二公里, 獻給我的跑步好友 Laura. 因為,我們一起渡過很多快樂的林間跑步時光. 到了最後一里路, 路旁人的狂叫加油聲浪, 跟本讓人沒時間去想要獻給谁.
心中想的只是: 跑!跑!跑!
Why particpant a running eveng? Because this person want to get high from the crowd move, and get healthy.
Can a person earn lving from do a running race?
I have no answer, but I do know, after the race , I feel, I get a kick , quite simular to get religion enlightment.
19 Nov. That is this 15 K race day in Nijmengen. 20,000 runners. Quite a big event. A lof of beautiful scene in the forest.
1 hour 35 min for this race. Satisfied.
Running is more than put one foot in front of the other. Painting is more than put yellow, red, blue paint on the canvas or paper.
It is because we want to connect to people, to the enviorment.